Pakistan’s Future Depends On Respecting People’s Mandate And Upholding The Rule Of Law: Imran Khan

Pakistan’s Future Depends On Respecting People’s Mandate And Upholding The Rule Of Law: Imran Khan

By News Desk

Message by Imran Khan, Founding Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, from Adiala Jail

(June 25, 2024)

Eliminating terrorism and establishing law and order in Pakistan has always been a core policy of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). During PTI’s tenure, there was a significant reduction in terrorism. We strengthened the police and CTD institutions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), which resulted in a notable decline in terrorism in KP and subsequently across the country. To establish peace in the region, we engaged in dialogue even with the Pakistan-opposed Ashraf Ghani government in Afghanistan, invited them to Pakistan, and personally visited Afghanistan to further peace efforts.

After the U.S. withdrawal, there was a severe threat of civil war in Afghanistan, which was handled tactfully. The then-DG ISI, General Faiz Hameed, played a crucial role in establishing relations with the new Afghan government. Considering the regional circumstances, my government decided not to replace the DG ISI and gave these instructions to General Bajwa, who assured the Prime Minister that the DG ISI would not be changed. Despite this, he was replaced, the reasons of which emerged later: a deal between General Bajwa and Nawaz Sharif concerning the extension of General Bajwa’s tenure. Subsequent events proved that General Bajwa caused significant damage to the country for his personal gain. ISI, which was supposed to protect the country from terrorism, was diverted from counter-terrorism to crushing PTI.

Similarly, the Foreign Minister of the PDM government toured the entire world but did not visit Afghanistan because they had no concern for Pakistan’s peace, the lives and property of our people, or our security institutions. Even today, they lack a clear strategy to combat terrorism, resulting in the nation suffering once again.

During PTI’s tenure, when we cleansed state institutions of politics and prioritized the protection of national interests, both domestic and international critics coined the term ‘hybrid system’ and targeted us. Today, except for a very small group of compromised individuals who prioritise their self interests, even our past critics are compelled to acknowledge the prevalence of the worst form of dictatorship in the country.

Pakistan’s future depends on respecting the people’s mandate, upholding the rule of law, and ensuring political stability. Addressing terrorism through naked fascism or military invasions against our own people is neither possible nor will it bring stability to Pakistan. Decisions made against the will of the nation and attempts to impose them on the people through power and force have always produced devastating outcomes.


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