The Closest In Friendship With The Believers Are Those Who Say, “We Are Christians”

The Closest In Friendship With The Believers Are Those Who Say, “We Are Christians”

By News Desk

In the light of the current geopolitical scenario, when the spectre of the Third World War is looming large over our heads, Sheikh Imran N. Hosein has released an important video on Muslim-Christian interfaith harmony. He expounded on an important topic from the Quran which guides us about the identification of true Christian people. He has previously too shed light on the importance of Orthodox Christianity.

And you will certainly find that the people most hostile against the believers are the Jews and the ones who ascribe partners to Allah. You will certainly find that the closest of them in friendship with the believers are those who say, “We are Christians.”That is because among them there are priests and monks, and because they are not arrogant. [Quran 5:82]

The Sheikh specifically talked about an event which only occurred once in Islamic history. He was referring to the Janazah (funeral) prayer that the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offered for Negus, the Christian King of Abyssinia. The Sheikh not only explained the significance of that event but also discussed its relevance in the current times:


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